Emerging perspectives in psychiatry. Conference Nottingham 2014

A One Day Conference organised by the UK Critical Psychiatry Network. University of Nottingham, April 17th 2014. Following a successful one day conference in 2013 and continuing concerns about the nature, provenance and consequences of contemporary psychiatric practice, the UK Critical Psychiatry Network has organised a further opportunity for practicing UK psychiatrists to consider emerging perspectives.

Council for Evidence Based Psychiatry

CEP exists to communicate the evidence of the damaging effects of psychiatric drugs and treatments in the UK to the people and institutions that can make a difference. This evidence shows that psychiatric drugs, portrayed as useful and effective by many areas of the medical profession, can cause considerable harm to many patients, particularly when

National Paranoia Network

The Reality and Impact of Paranoia: The Ten Year Anniversary Modern living and lifestyles in the 21 st century have ensured that paranoia has become established as a common phenomenon. It has become far more common than medical explanations alone can explain especially when CCTV cameras, media coverage and perceived threats can contribute towards fears

From Diagnosis to Dialogue ISPS conference

17 & 18 September 2014 Leicester This residential conference will allow delegates to explore the tensions and the gap between the latest developments in psychosis research with the realities of implementation in our contemporary system. It will provide delegates with an opportunity to pause and reflect; explore and debate developments in our knowledge and understanding