Soteria Network Conference

The details for the workshops have now been finalised for the Soteria Network conference ‘Alternatives Within and Beyond Psychiatry’ on Friday 11th November 2011 in Derby. The workshops cover a variety of topics, including the work of Soteria projects in Holland, the Family Care Foundation in Sweden, compassion-focused therapy, phenomenological and humanistic approaches to ‘psychosis’,

Conference on Philosophy and Psychiatry

The First UK conference on Philosophy and Psychiatry: Mental Health and the Human Good. A conference in honour of Professor Eric Mathews 6-7 October 2011 at Mathew Hay Conference centre, Suttie Centre, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Northern Existential Group

This is a new, monthly event which will take place in central Manchester from 7-9pm, and is open to all. The aim of the group is to explore existential philosophy and psychotherapy in relation to various existential texts and tales, as well as in relation to our own experiences and ideas. 7-9pm, 7th September, 2011,

Speak Out Against Psychiatry

A group of people with experience of psychiatric services are organising a gathering outside the RCPsych on the 27th of July between 4pm and 6pm. to discuss their experiences. They have a facebook page and a flyer: Speak-out-flyer

Soteria Conference in Derby

The Soteria Network is holding a conference on the 11th November in Derby on ‘Alternatives within and Beyond Psychiatry ‘. Speeakers include Robert Whitaker, Jaakko Seikkula, Richard Bentall and Sonia Johnson. Soteria network conference

Short film by Peter Gordon

Sami has sent this link to a short film by Peter Gordon (an old age psychiatrist in Scotland) critiquing the Craddock et al paper on need for psychiatry to be more medical model

Discussion Group focussing on Existentialism

A discussion group will be starting on the 2 nd June in Manchester between 7pm and 9pm. Its led by Helen Spandler and others. It will focus on existentialism and the first topic is ‘Hell is other people: from Sartre’s No Exit to Reality TV’ PosterExistentialDiscussion Group

Asylum Magazine forthcoming issue!

Keep your eyes open for the forthcoming edition of Asylum, due out Spring 2011. A special anniversary edition: SCHIZOPHRENIA 1911 – 2011 REST IN PIECES Including articles by Alec Jenner, Peter Bullimore, Eleanor Longden, Jen Kilyon, Marcel Vige and short stories by Paul Hammersley and Philip Thomas. Subscribe to Asylum at

Hot off the press: Pat Bracken and Phil Thomas's latest

From Szasz to Foucault: On the Role of Critical Psychiatry In this article we examine the different ways in which Thomas Szasz and Michel Foucault have challenged dominant perspectives within psychiatry. We identify, analyse and compare the central elements of their respective discourses on psychiatry and show that while they are often bracketed together, in

Research review finds Electro-Shock Therapy ‘cannot be scientifically justified’.

MEDIA RELEASE December 17 2010 Research review finds Electro-Shock Therapy ‘cannot be scientifically justified’. A review of ‘The Effectiveness of Electroconvulsive Therapy’ published this week in the international scientific journal Epidemiologia e Psychiatria Sociale has found that: “Placebo controlled studies show minimal support for effectiveness with either depression or schizophrenia during the course of treatment