Fourth Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conferen The fourth Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference is to be held in Nottingham, England, from July 3rd to July 5th 2012. The setting will be the University of Nottingham’s attractive parkland main campus. QRMH4 will build upon the success of three earlier conferences held in Tampere, Finland, in 2006 and 2008, and in

Ending the CBT bias within NICE

Richard House for The Alliance for Counselling and Psychotherapy has launched a new petition challenging the unscientific bias towards CBT of the UK Department of Health’s NICE clinical treatment guidelines. Also the influence this is having over the Improving Access to psychological Therapies (IAPT) scheme. They believe that the combined impact of which is drastically

Philadelphia Association

The Philadelphia Association was founded in 1965 by RD Laing and has been running houses for the last 40 years (as well as cources and training). I enclose their leaflet for two houses in North London – Leaflet More information can be found here

6th RD Laing Conference

The next laing conference will be in London on the 22nd October titled: Practice or Process? The Divided Self in Psychotherapy. Sth RD Laing conference-flyer

JN Conference

Relieving Emotional Distress – What’s Wrong, What’s Needed Annual James Naylor Foundation conference on 26th November in London Conference Flyer

Conference on Psychosis and Spirituality

10th November in Liverpool.This conference will focus on psychosis and its relationship to spirituality, altered states of consciousness and unusual experiences and how these can be used constructively to facilitate recovery in people given a mental health diagnosis. Contact: Chris Clarke – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to