Festival of the Mind

A collaboration between academics from the University of Sheffield and local people in the creative and cultural industries at Sheffield 20th to 30th September. Academics from such diverse disciplines as Nanotechnology, English, Architecture, Psychology and Biomedical Science have teamed up with artists, poets, magicians and musicians from Sheffield to create unique, thought-provoking performances, events and

ISPS book list

The recent book in the ISPS series is by Romme and Esher on ‘Psychosis as a Personal Crisis’. The are all available by Routledge. ISPSbooks

Inquiry into the schizophrenia label

An independent Inquiry into the ‘Schizophrenia’ Label was launched on 16 th April 2012 by a group of organisations and individuals concerned about the meaning and usefulness of ‘schizophrenia’ and similar labels such as ‘psychosis’. The Inquiry aims to investigate the impact this label has on people’s lives and to collect evidence from people, including

ISPS name change

Members of the International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and Other Psychoses ( www.isps.org ) have just voted, by an overwhelming majority, to change the society’s name to the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis. MEDIA RELEASE 14.3.2012 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY REMOVES ‘SCHIZOPHRENIA’ FROM ITS TITLE Members of the International

NHS risk assessement

Even before the NHS bill has been passed its effect is being noticed on the ground. Lansley has refusal to release details of the internal risk assessment about the proposed NHS bill made by his own civil servants. He has even defied FOI requests. SOS NHS have published their own risk assessment BREAKING THE NHS

Dialektikon event 12th February

Dialektikon 2012 is a new entertainment based on a revolutionary ’60’s happening and inspired by today’s Occupy movement and the Arab Spring. It’s a free mix of passionate radical speeches with poetry and folk song that becomes an open discussion for players and audience: how do we get ourselves out of this present mess and

Occupy London

There are lectures and workshops where members are participating. There are four Psychopolitics lectures on the 15 th , 22 nd and the 29th January. There is also a series of workshops on Core Values on 21 st Jan, 4 th February, 18 th February and 3 rd March. Leon Redler who is organising the

MIND camapign for better Crisis Care

MIND has a campaign to improve acute and Crisis Care. More information can be found at their website In a year-long inquiry they listened to hundreds of people to find out how well crisis services are meeting people’s needs. Crisis care had been at its best when they: had someone to talk to who’s kind