'Cracked' new book by James Davies
“Why psychiatry is doing more harm than good” It has interviews with many members of the CPN, such as Jo Moncrieff, Sami Timimi, Duncan Double and Pat Bracken. Cracked
“Why psychiatry is doing more harm than good” It has interviews with many members of the CPN, such as Jo Moncrieff, Sami Timimi, Duncan Double and Pat Bracken. Cracked
Guest lecture by Professor Nikolas Rose, given 15 May 2013. ‘Mental Illness: Five Hard questions’ at Nottingham. Lecture Professor Rose is one of our leading contemporary social scientists. Currently he is Professor of Sociology and Head of the Department of Social Science, Health and Medicine at King’s College, London. In the talk, Professor Rose characterises
The IoP has invited Charles Nemeroff to give an inaugural lecture in spite of the fact that he lied to Emroy University where he was professor about millions of dollars he received from pharmaceutical companies. Members of the Critical Psychiatry Network have written to IoP asking them to reconsider this descision. Letter to IoP
The issues raised by the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) are complex and require careful and studied consideration. There are many aspects that concern the Critical Psychiatry Network about the way the debates around the publication of the new DSM-5 have been represented in the media. In particular, we are concerned about the portrayal of the
The WHO has set up a Global Clinical Network to inform the development of ICD-11. Mental Helath professionals can contribute via a series of surveys.
on the topics of DSM-5 and Evidence Based Medicine. http://www.criticalpsychiatry.net/?m=201304
Final programme for CPN workshop at Nottingham 15th April. The day is intended as an opportunity for practicing UK psychiatrists to discuss and reflect upon the implications of uncertainties in the evidence base for current practices and growing respect for the value of service users’ contributions to our understanding of mental health difficulties. These issues
ISPS conference. What makes psychiatry effective for people who experience psychosis. 2nd July, London. Good enough psychiatry conference poster
A series of workshops provided by the Critical Psychiatry Network aimed at practicing psychiatrists. At Nottingham on the 15th April 2013 The day is intended as an opportunity for practicing UK psychiatrists to discuss and reflect upon the implications of uncertainties in the evidence base for current practices and growing respect for the value of
The Clearing is a website set up by Andy Metcalf and Paul Farmer, both psychotherapists in private practice, but involved with the Alliance for Counselling and Psychotherapy, a critical group of therapists who are resisting state regulation of the psychotherapies (see http://www.allianceforcandp.org ) The Clearing (from Heidegger’s Lichtung) – http://www.the-clearing.net – is a space in