Time to end the ethic of exclusion: Bracken P & Thomas P

Reprinted with permission from Openmind © Mind (National Association for Mental Health) POST-PSYCHIATRY Pat Bracken and Phil Thomas The sweeping changes in mental health services introduced by Mr. Dobson will continue to affect people’s lives long after his footfalls have ceased to echo around the Palace of Westminster. Care in the community, he declared, has

Safety and psychiatry Bracken P & Thomas P

Reprinted with permission from Openmind © Mind (National Association for Mental Health) POST-PSYCHIATRY Pat Bracken and Phil Thomas Like most other people in the country, we thought we were waking up to a new world on May 2nd 1997. We hoped the new government would bring a fresh approach to the health service, and to

Time to move beyond a closed book: Bracken P & Thomas P

Reprinted with permission from Openmind 92 (July/August 1998) © 1998 Mind (National Association for Mental Health) POST-PSYCHIATRY Opening a closed book Pat Bracken and Phil Thomas The ‘buzz’ word in medical education these days is continuous professional development (CPD). In 1991, the Royal College of Psychiatrists introduced a CPD policy in response to increasing expectations