Critical analysis of the concept of ADHD. Moncrieff J & Timimi S
Is ADHD a valid diagnosis in adults. No.
Beyond Belief. Alternative ways of dealing with delusions, obsessions and unusual experiences
A Critique of the Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia and Psychosis
A Systematic Review of the Soteria Paradigm for the Treatment of People Diagnosed With Schizophrenia
The Critical Perspective on Health and Social Care Seminars run by the University of Nottingham are held on the first wednesday evening of the month. The winter’s programme can be found below. Critical_perspectives_seminar_series_2011-12
Richard House for The Alliance for Counselling and Psychotherapy has launched a new petition challenging the unscientific bias towards CBT of the UK Department of Health’s NICE clinical treatment guidelines. Also the influence this is having over the Improving Access to psychological Therapies (IAPT) scheme. They believe that the combined impact of which is drastically