NHS risk assessement

Even before the NHS bill has been passed its effect is being noticed on the ground. Lansley has refusal to release details of the internal risk assessment about the proposed NHS bill made by his own civil servants. He has even defied FOI requests. SOS NHS have published their own risk assessment BREAKING THE NHS

We all go astray. Redler L

Redler We All Go Astray An earlier version was given at the celebration of the 40 th anniversary of the Philadelphia Association (founded by RD Laing), but this paper was for presentation at “Madness, Citizenship & Social Justice: A Human Rights Conference”, held at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver in June, 2008.

Dialektikon event 12th February

Dialektikon 2012 is a new entertainment based on a revolutionary ’60’s happening and inspired by today’s Occupy movement and the Arab Spring. It’s a free mix of passionate radical speeches with poetry and folk song that becomes an open discussion for players and audience: how do we get ourselves out of this present mess and

Occupy London 2012. Communities, Madness and Globalisation. Thomas P.

Communities, Madness and Globalisation Philip Thomas [1611 words] I’m grateful for the opportunity to speak in support and solidarity with Occupy London’s achievements in drawing attention to matters that are fundamentally important for every single one of us. In this brief contribution I want to do three things: briefly outline what critical psychiatry is, then

ECT and Training

Currently all psychiatric trainees have to participate in ECT as part of their training and cannot qualify as psychiatrist if they refuse. In the meeting in March 2011 we decided to ask the Royal College of Psychiatrist to consider dropping the obligation for trainees to conduct ECT and sent the following letter to Dinesh Bughra,

Occupy London 2012. Occupy the madness. Middleton H

Occupy the Madness, Tent City, St. Pauls, London. January 15 th 2012. I bring you greetings from Sherwood Forest, the home of Robin Hood! I guess I am here in my role as an NHS psychiatrist. Psychiatry is variously depicted, often demonised and generally opaque. What I want to do is tell you a little

Occupy London

There are lectures and workshops where members are participating. There are four Psychopolitics lectures on the 15 th , 22 nd and the 29th January. There is also a series of workshops on Core Values on 21 st Jan, 4 th February, 18 th February and 3 rd March. Leon Redler who is organising the

MIND camapign for better Crisis Care

MIND has a campaign to improve acute and Crisis Care. More information can be found at their website In a year-long inquiry they listened to hundreds of people to find out how well crisis services are meeting people’s needs. Crisis care had been at its best when they: had someone to talk to who’s kind

Fourth Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conferen

http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/sociology/events/qrmh/index.aspx The fourth Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference is to be held in Nottingham, England, from July 3rd to July 5th 2012. The setting will be the University of Nottingham’s attractive parkland main campus. QRMH4 will build upon the success of three earlier conferences held in Tampere, Finland, in 2006 and 2008, and in