Busting Myths about Psychosis & Antipsychotics with Prof Joanna Moncrieff

In this talk, Prof Joanna Moncrieff (University College London) looks at the evidence behind some common myths relating to psychosis and ‘antipsychotic’ drugs: the idea that psychosis or ‘schizophrenia’ are neurodegenerative conditions; the concept of the ‘untreated duration of psychosis’ and whether early drug treatment produces better outcomes; the famous dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia; the idea that antipsychotics work by targeting an underlying biological mechanism that produces psychotic symptoms.

6 thoughts on “Busting Myths about Psychosis & Antipsychotics with Prof Joanna Moncrieff

  1. I would like to contact someone from critical psychiatry, Joanna, Mark or Phil about being an expert scientific witness in a case I am taking about the death of my son with akathisia when on risperdal consta in 2010, please

  2. I investigated this in 2005 based on comparing Keapalin’s and Bentall’s theories on the effect of neuroleptics on so called SZ. I compared the treatment of my brother DGN (1950-2011) and family member MPvS (1977-2024). I was aided by ‘Dr. Padraig O’Colla’, Calgary, Ab. With the passing of MPvS, I am writing my observations of mental health treatment over the last 25 years from journal notes, and tape recordings.

  3. I was treated with clozaril for 25 years it took the ‘zing’ out of every day and made me stupid, fat and week…dull minded watching tv and eating bad food…the catalist for a wasted life. Its a subduer. I think it effects a lot more body-mind systems than they claim.

    I discovered that clozaril was invented in the1950’s when scientists discovered that a German dye had the effect of a labotomy on rats. Clozaril drains shakras. When i stopped taking it i felt more alive and more myself. I think it effects the pituitary gland and its surrounding nuleus’ such as the preoptic nucleus, the suprachariasmatic nucleus and the ventromedial necleus…and also a host of other parts and systems.

    It killed 1% of people who took it by detriment to the immune system. In a metaphor clozaril is putting a blanket insulation over your problems, then that insulation turns out to be asbestos. Psychiatrists dont want to hear this. It seems to me that a lot of psychiatrists are doctors who wanted to stay in university longer, get paid more and be less useful by validating their status by handing out erroneous chemicals and pushing nebulous cattagories on to people then pushing automaton process on patients instead of genuinly helping them with their lives and being.

    I intend to do something about this situation but i’m not sure exactly what. I need mote technical data and references. I intend to read your books “the bitterest pill” and learn more. I wondered if you could advise some connection to anyone who could help me in this cause of raising awhereness and correction to an outdated pychiatric pharmacutical system that is running on auto piolet as if it is its self on clozaril. Clozaril was a god-send compared to physical labotomy in the 1950’s but we could do a lot better nowadays

  4. Thank you for a highly interesting discussion. As well as the debate on the evidence of antipsychotics, as a bipolar support group, we regularly find ourselves questioning whether the prescription of CBT as a one-size-fits-all treatment is a useful approach. Anecdotally this doesn’t appear to be the case for many of our members.

    The “evidence base” for CBT was largely conducted many decades ago and mostly outside of the UK. Longer term longitudinal studies of people with bipolar receiving CBT delivered by the NHS are comparatively rare and outcomes limited by what is possible to measure easily.

    We suspect that a programme of similar duration as CBT, delivered by non-clinical staff and with life lessons adapted from the “Winnie The Pooh” stories might be equally effective for bipolar. At least Tigger and Eeyore are relevant to our condition!

    Perhaps a topic for a future debate! Thanks again for taking the time.

    1. There seems to be a big difference between CBT and depth psychology. To me to understand depth psychology it is necessary to look at what the bible says about psychology in terms of integrity being necessary for peace. Billions of people practice Christianity, which lends statistical credibility to depth psychology in my view since there are similar themes in the structures described. The bible says a double minded man is unstable in all his ways, which is similar to recognition of conscious vs unconscious thought in depth psychology. Once we break down and recognise the different trajectories of conscious thought vs unconscious it is quite empowering. My unconscious trajectory was wanting to be a father as my main way, whereas my conscious trajectory was romantically driven. Recognising the difference between the two enables us to change the direction of our life for the better. Instead of being preoccupied in toxic thoughts now I feel clearer and more relaxed.

  5. My young adult son has CIP and refuses medical help. I’m so in favor of healthy alternatives and agree with much of what Dr Moncrieff states in her papers. But alternative solutions don’t seem to kick in and give the results some claim to have with antipsychotic meds. If not Rx for psychosis then what?? My son needs help to manage his delusions. Please help!!

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