Toronto Critical Psychiatry Reading and Discussion Group
The Toronto Critical Psychiatry Reading and Discussion Group has been meeting since 2018. It has been open to all interested people. The aims of the group have included: 1) a better understanding and evaluation of some of the assumptions of psychiatry; 2) fostering an engagement between psychiatry and the humanities; 3) considering psychiatric care beyond the current dominant paradigm; and 4) exploring and developing psychiatry’s relationship to social justice.
Topics discussed have included the relationship between antipsychiatry and critical psychiatry, critical approaches to neuroscience, the relationship between psychiatry and neoliberalism, the relationship between psychiatry and racism, explorations of the mind-body problem in psychiatry, critical approaches to evidence based medicine, and the history of depression. Upcoming discussions include the topic of antidepressants and placebo.
For anyone interested in joining The Toronto Critical Psychiatry Reading and Discussion Group, please send an email to: